The Staff
EESDO has a very dedicated and trained team of professionals.
ESSDO is lead by its Excuctive drictor (ED) who is the formal head of the organization. The ED reports to the Chairperson of the BoD and is responsible for the overall management of the organization. ED supported by the Head of programs and team of coordinators / managers of different sections / programs of the organization and they jointly form a management structure for the EESDO.
Partners & Partnerships
Partnerships are the heart-line of EESDO. The organization refers as “PARTNERS” to all those individuals, communities, and organizations and departments which join hands for extending program interventions. These partnerships help organization (financially and technically) to achieve its mission.
Memberships & Affiliations
EESDO believes that networking, collective efforts, sharing of knowledge, resources and information is a key to the success as for addressing the global developmental issues and challenges are concerned. Keeping this critical fact in mind; the organization always tries to join all such forums and networks which directly link to its mission and objectives.