EESDO has an extensive setup for monitoring and evaluating its programmes. For this purpose, a dedicated Monitoring, Evaluation and Research section is in place where dedicated staff monitors the overall activities of the organization. The section is led by the Manager MER facilitated by Assistant Manager. The activities are also monitored by the Chairperson and other members of the BoD, ED and ther managerial staff.

The accounting policy and procedures of Ehsas Educational and Social Development Organization is driven by the National Accounting Standards and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in Pakistan.
The Internal Auditor establishes a system of checks and balances on all matters normally covered by this function.
Annual External Audit is conducted to determine among other things, whether

  • The accounting records are accurate and complete
  • Prepared in accordance with the provisions of National Accounting Standards.
  • The statements prepared from the accounts present fairly the organization’s financial position, and the results of its financial operations

The organization strongly believes in the true and active participation of all key stakeholders – particularly the local communities or program beneficiaries. Fair efforts are taken to ensure that stakeholders participate and contribute at all the stages of the interventions.

As its strategy, EESDO particularly focuses to ensure the maximum participation of women, children and youth wherever required and relevant – and particularly if the program has any direct or indirect impacts on their lives.
The overall approach of work also identifies the gender sensitivities if any related to the program and strategically addresses the same.
EESDO, as its overall implementation approach, takes carefully into account the local culture and traditions and fully respects the same.

Following are the key elemnts of EESDO Program Strategies & Work Approach

  • Social Mobilization /Community Participation
  • Formation of community organizations
  • Formation of village organiations
  • Awareness Raising & Sensitization
  • Thematic Partnerships
  • Capacity Building
  • Advocacy & Lobbying
  • Networking & Coalition Building
  • Dialogues & Engagements
  • Research & Publications
  • Review & Reflection

In order to achieve its mission and to make its programs even more human-centered;  EESDO follows certain values and guiding principles in all its interventions and dealings.  These include the following: 

  • Peace & Tolerance
  • Social Justice
  • Participation & Inclusion
  • Transparency & Accountability
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Non-Violence
  • Equity & Fairness
  • Sharing & Openness

 EESDO follows its specific set of policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which has been revised and updated a number of times up till now in order to make them more staff friendly and organization-centered.  EESDO is developing its  following manuals of policies for the efficient working:

  • Manual of Human Resources and Administrative Policies
  • Manual of Financial Policies

These manuals will contain a number of basic organizational policies and procedures which help in the creation and maintenance of a transparent, accountable and fair working environment in EESDO and ensure the effective achievement of overall objectives of theorganization.

EESDO has a core team with various professional backgrounds such as management, finances and HR etc. In addition the EESDO will hire the project staff as and when required. The organization also engages volunteers and interns on need basis.

EESDO Website is one of the best websites of NGOs working in Pakistan. Efforts have been made to ensure that website contains all the relevant information of the organization and the same is easily accessible to the visitor. The website improvement and updating is continuous process and organization is trying to upload in the cyber space its maximum information possible.